
Keeping Feet Clean and Healthy: A Simple Guide

Keeping Feet Clean

Checking a person’s feet and keeping them clean and soft can help prevent cracks and skin infections. This is especially important for people who have diabetes. Keeping toenails trimmed (and painted, if that’s what the person likes) also helps.

If the person you care for has diabetes or foot problems, such as bunions and helomas, consider taking them to see a podiatrist. This is a doctor who specializes in foot care. Sometimes a podiatrist will come to a person’s home if they are unable to keep medical appointments.

You can take care of basic nail care at home. Generally, all you have to do is keep your nails clean and a safe length.

How to trim toenails

Try to trim the person’s nails regularly. Check nails every week to see if they need trimming. It is easier to trim nails after the person has showered or washed their feet. Makes nails softer and easier to trim.

Start by gathering your supplies. You will need a toenail clipper and a nail file. You may also need nail polish and nail polish remover.

To trim nails:

  1. Wash and dry your hands. You don’t need to wear gloves.
  2. Use nail polish remover to remove polish if there is any.
  3. With one hand, hold the person’s foot and toe steady while you trim the nail with the other hand. Trim nails in a straight, horizontal line. Leave your nails a little longer at the corners so the sharp edges don’t dig into your skin.
  4. Keep nails no longer than the tips of the toes.
  5. Let your nails dry if they are still wet and soft.
  6. Use a nail file to smooth the edges of your nails, especially the corners. They may be pointy after cutting your nails straight across.
  7. Apply nail polish, if desired.

If the person’s nails are thick and abnormally colored, it may be safer to have them cut by a podiatrist.

General nail and foot care

When caring for a person’s nails, it is important to remember not to trim or cut the cuticles. A small cut in a cuticle could lead to an infection. Wash his feet in the shower or bath or in a basin made for foot washing. It is very important to wash the feet carefully if the person has diabetes. After washing your feet, dry them gently. Put lotion on your feet, especially the heels. But don’t put it between your toes.

If the person does not have diabetes and you see signs of athlete’s foot (such as dry or cracked skin, or itching between the toes), you can try an over-the-counter medicine. These medications can eliminate the fungus that causes athlete’s foot. If the problem does not go away, talk to the person’s doctor. Examine your feet daily for cuts or signs of infection, such as pain, swelling, redness, or increased temperature. If you see any of these signs, especially in someone who has diabetes, call the doctor.

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